Hallmark Safety Eyewear is a brand of protective eyewear that is designed to provide workers with the necessary eye protection while on the job. The brand is known for its high-quality safety glasses, goggles, and face shields that meet or exceed the safety standards set by regulatory bodies such as ANSI and OSHA.

Hallmark Safety Eyewear offers a wide range of products to suit different industries and applications. They offer safety glasses that are designed for general use, as well as specialized eyewear for specific tasks such as welding or working with chemicals. They also offer goggles and face shields that provide full-face protection against hazards such as dust, flying debris, and chemical splashes.

In addition to their protective properties, Hallmark Safety Eyewear is also designed for comfort and style. Many of their products feature adjustable straps and soft padding to ensure a comfortable fit, and they come in a variety of styles and colors to suit different personal preferences.

Overall, Hallmark Safety Eyewear is a trusted brand in the field of protective eyewear, and their products are used by workers in a variety of industries to help ensure their safety on the job.

EP 022

EP 022

Executive Officer's ChoiceRef : EP 022Conforms to EN 166:2002, EN 167:2001 & EN 172 :1994, ..


EP 023

EP 023

Worker's ChoiceRef : EP 023Conforms to EN 166:2002, EN 167:2001 & EN 172 :1994, EN 168:2001..


EP 024

EP 024

Worker's ChoiceRef : EP 024Conforms to EN 166:2002, EN 167:2001 & EN 172 :1994, EN 168:2001..


EP 33

EP 33



ESA 02

ESA 02

Can be easily fitted to the temple-arms of the KARAM Spectacles and worn around the neck...


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